Children’s Dentistry

Free Kid’s Dental up to $1095*

Medicare’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule provides individual benefits for a range of basic dental services including check-ups, x-rays, cleaning, fissure seals, fillings, root canal treatment and extractions.

You may use the capped benefit of $1095 to pay for your child’s basic dental services over a two-year period. If the funds are not fully used within the first year, you can use it in the second year, provided your child is still eligible. After the second year, any remaining balance will not be carried forward.

Children aged between two and seventeen are eligible to be assessed. Visit Services Australia for more information.

Your Child’s First Visit

Your child’s first visit to the dentist will shape the way they view dental treatment for the rest of their life. We strive to make their first dental experiences relaxed, enjoyable and fun to ensure a lifelong positive approach to dental hygiene and health.

We recommend starting routine dental checks from 2 years old, so that we can build a rapport with them, and encourage them to maintain good dental health habits.

Custom Mouthguards

Mouthguards help protect against painful and (potentially) expensive dental injuries while playing sport. Our mouthguards are made to provide the best fit, size, coverage and thickness - especially for your child. They can even personalise it with their team colours!

Fissure Sealants

A Fissure Sealant is a protective coating placed in the deep grooves of the back teeth. It prevents food sticking in the grooves and significantly lowers the risk of tooth decay. Fissure seals can be applied from 4 years old. No injections or drilling is involved and you can return to eating and drinking immediately after treatment.

Happy Gas

Nitrous oxide, commonly called Happy Gas, is a way to help reduce pain and anxiety during dental treatment—it can be helpful for treating children who are nervous about receiving dental treatment. Nitrous oxide is inhaled through small mask that fits over the nose. Your child will still be aware of what’s happening but will feel calm and comfortable throughout.